The Fundamental Energy Structure: Unraveling the Origins of Space, Time, Matter, and Energy


This preprint explores a speculative hypothesis that envisions the universe as filled with a mysterious “energy fundamental structure.” The following key points summarize the central ideas proposed in the document:

1. Energy Fundamental Structure:

The hypothesis posits the existence of an extremely minute fundamental energy structure that permeates the entire universe. This structure might form the basis for wave-particle duality, similar to concepts in string theory.

2. Nature of the Structure:

The energy fundamental structure is not composed of matter, differentiating it from the traditional concept of “ether” in classical physics. The hypothesis suggests that organized arrangements of these fundamental structures may constitute quarks, electrons, and photons. Furthermore, cyclic patterns within these structures could lead to exponential changes, explaining the manifestations of light, electricity, and forces.

3. Relativity Implications:

Building on the principles of Einstein’s theory of relativity, this hypothesis suggests that the energy fundamental structure undergoes variations in space and energy. The spatial changes resemble vibrations in string theory, with these vibrations generating the perception of space and time.

4. Nature of Light:

The speed of light is considered as the sequential propagation of energy through these fundamental structures. The hypothesis reframes light as the progression of energy from “non-existence” to “existence” at discrete points in space and time, driven by the vibration of these structures. Rather than true motion, the speed of light represents the rate at which these “energy switches” are toggled.

5. Relationship to Speed of Light:

The hypothesis postulates that the ratio between the basic spatial unit (D) and the basic temporal unit (T) determines the speed of light (c). If c is constant, then the spatial and temporal changes are proportionate. This proportionality is suspected to be linked to the structural properties of the energy fundamental structure.

6. Possibility of Superluminal Travel:

The hypothesis introduces the intriguing possibility that altering the vibrations of the energy fundamental structure could enable superluminal (faster-than-light) interstellar travel. By modulating the D and T values associated with these structures, it speculates on a method to achieve such travel. This concept, while highly speculative, offers a unique perspective on the potential of interstellar exploration.


This preprint presents a speculative hypothesis that reimagines the universe as governed by an energy fundamental structure, challenging traditional notions of space, time, and light. While these ideas remain theoretical and unverified, they provide an intriguing basis for further scientific inquiry into the fundamental nature of the cosmos.

Please note that this preprint should be shared within the scientific community for discussion and debate, and it does not represent established scientific knowledge.